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Preface 9 OVERVIEW, SCOPE, AND ORGANIZATION OF THIS BOOK 10 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 12 1 - Introduction 13 OVERVIEW 13 OBJECTIVES 13 Comprehension 13 Application 13 PURPOSE OF THIS BOOK 13 Some Definitions 14 The First Principle of Instructional Graphics 15 THE IMPORTANCE OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION 16 Graphics in Education 18 Everyday Uses of Graphics and Visual Images 20 WHY COMPUTER GRAPHICS? 20 Advancements in the Production of Computer Graphics 25 QUESTIONING THE MOTIVE TO USE GRAPHICS IN INSTRUCTION 27 INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN VERSUS TECHNOCENTRIC DESIGN 29 REVIEW 33 NOTES 33 2 - An Overview of Graphics in Instruction 35 OVERVIEW 35 OBJECTIVES 35 Comprehension 35 Application 35 THE THREE TYPES OF INSTRUCTIONAL GRAPHICS 36 Representational Graphics 36 Analogical Graphics 38 Arbitrary Graphics 40 Combining Characteristics of the Three Types of Graphics 42 MATCHING GRAPHICS WITH LEARNING GOALS 45 Instructional Objectives 45 Domains of Learning 46Ī GUIDE TO THE INSTRUCTIONAL FUNCTIONS OF GRAPHICS 53 Characteristics of Successful Instruction 54 Five Instructional Applications of Graphics 57 REVIEW 68 NOTES 68 3 - Developing Instructional Computer Graphics on Microcomputers 70 OVERVIEW 70 OBJECTIVES 70 Comprehension 70 Application 70 HARDWARE SYSTEMS: TYPES OF COMPUTER GRAPHICS DISPLAYS 72 PRODUCING STATIC COMPUTER GRAPHICS 73 Overview of Graphic File Formats 75 Command-Based Approaches to Producing Static Computer Graphics 76 GUI-Based Approaches to Producing Static Computer Graphics 84 Second-Hand Computer Graphics: Clip Art, Scanning, and Digitizing 89 PRODUCING ANIMATED COMPUTER GRAPHICS 92 Command-Based Approaches to Fixed-Path Animation 93 GUI-Based Approaches to Fixed-Path Animation 98 Data-Driven Animation 102 THE INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY OF COMPUTER GRAPHICS 103 REVIEW 104 NOTES 105 4 - Psychological Foundations of Instructional Graphics 107 OVERVIEW 107 OBJECTIVES 107 Comprehension 107 Application 107 LEARNING THEORY: A PRIMER 108 Behavioral Learning Theory 108 Cognitive Learning Theory 111 VISUAL COGNITION 117 Visual Perception 118 Perceptual Factors Related to Animation 121 Memory Considerations for Visual Information 124 An Overview of Dual Coding Theory 127 Arguments Against Dual Coding Theory 129 Contact Lloyd Rieber directly for more information via email ( ) or this address: Lloyd Rieber 6114 Nowhere Road Hull, Georgia 30646 USA This page containing the copyright notice must be included as the first page after the title page in each legally reproduced copy.


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Rieber The University of Georgia - AthensĬopyright © 2000 Lloyd P.

Water key pads buescher 400 trumpet